Charlogy Online

Monday, March 13, 2006

Aragorn's Uninspiring Speech

Just watched Return of the King again and it occurred to me, not for the first time, how bad for morale Aragorn's pre-battle speech is as his troops line up in front of the Black Gate of Mordor.

To quote a couple of lines:
  • "I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me." (Great, so you're scared shitless as well!)
  • "There may come a day when we forsake our oaths and throw off all bonds of brotherhood.." (Well if we're all going to fall out later anyway, then frankly what's the point?)

Surely it would have been far better to say, "Men, you've already had one rousing call to arms in this film, can you try to remember it? I can't think of anything else to add. Raaaaaargh!"

On top of this it was to be considered that the massed ranks of Gondor are still having to swallow that this guy they've never seen before is now leading them into a seemingly unwinnable battle. (Sorry, who are you again? Strange elves reforging broken swords is no basis for a system of government! If I claimed to wield supreme executive power just because I turn up shortly after the last incumbent decided to set fire to himself and throw himself off a cliff (which I'm still a bit dubious about, frankly), they'd put me away! And another thing, why the hell did you let that ghost army go? They kicked arse! And you let them go! Bugger this, I'm off!)


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