Charlogy Online

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Brokebrain Mountain

Our flatmate from Mars continues to infuriate with her utter gormlessness. Anna recently went to see Brokeback Mountain. She didn't know it was about gay cowboys. She was shocked. The conversation went something like this:

Anna: So I went to see this movie called Brokeback Mountain and it turned out it was about gay cowboys and I was like, Oh my God!

Me: Anna, you must be the only person on the planet who didn't know it was about gay cowboys.

Anna: Well, nobody told me.

Me: Okay, so even leaving aside word of mouth, are you seriously saying that there has been nothing in the last three months to alert you to the existence of a controversial gay cowboy movie? No mention in newspapers, magazines, television or radio? Was there nothing about it at all on that "internet" thing that you spend all day on? Failing all of that, did you not even catch a glimpse of the movie poster on your way in? There were absolutely no clues at all?

Anna: Well if nobody tells me, how do I know? I mean, I don't know what Capote's about.

Me: It's about Capote.

Anna: Well what's a Capote?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, dearie me. Seems The Academy missed it too. :P Good - just because it's about being gay doesn't automatically qualify it for an oscar. I dare say Elizabethtown (a surprisingly excellent film courtesy of Orlando Bloom playing a normal non-pirate, non-elf bloke and Kirsten Dunst being given a real character for once) deserved more recognition, but that is speculation because I haven't yet seen it.

Munich certainly deserved more than it got, but to not offend Hamas too much it didn't steal the show.

5:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a Capote could be a female Cayote?

9:42 pm  
Blogger Charlie said...

No, you're thinking of a kayak. Capote is a posh french word for jam.

1:45 am  

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