Top Gear presenter Richard Hammond spoke today for the first time about his 300mph crash last month. According to doctors, the brain injury he sustained in the accident had caused Hammond to
"regress to a childlike state, where he was obsessed with the card game Top Trumps."
Regress? Obviously these doctors don't watch Top Gear or they would have realised Hammond was well on his way to a full recovery. Jeremy Clarkson has been stuck in a persistent childlike state for over 40 years...
I object to the idea that buying top trumps as an adult means you are regressing to childhood.
The fact that I have bought several packs during the last year has nothing to do with it.
I agree. Though I have not done the same I would do if I saw them in a shop. Nobody sells them any more. :(
Well Chris, you can either get your Mum and Dad to start stocking them in their shop, or might I suggest a trip to the Joplins' toy section on John Street?
Do give them our support as they very kindly allowed us to film Christmas 70s' Cops (co-starring yourself) there.
I've got several packs of top trumps, some of which I purchased as recently as this year. I've also recently completed a new Doctor Who sticker album - sure to become as collectable and rare as my complete Star Wars collections.
Do you have the Top Trumps Farm Vehicles edition?
Haha Chas, but don't forget that Simon is an ex-tractor fan!
Who said anything about "Ex" tractor fan? I love tractors and I'm proud (and diggers, dumper trucks, etc).
Actually, what may have brought me out of the tractor closet is my son Daniel, who is very keen on cars, lorries, trains, diggers, and all manner of interesting vehicles.
By the way, I also recently picked up (via the internet) some excellent vintage lego sets from the 70s that are worth a fortune.
Ah now that's interesting because the article also said that, in addition to Top Trumps, Richard Hammond also became fixated with making Lego.
So what's the consensus? Are these all normal healthy pursuits for the adult male, or are we all stuck in a permanent childlike state consistent with major brain trauma?
Healthy, easily. How are we to identify with the 7 to 15-year olds of today if we can't find common interests?
On another note, where's Langdown been hiding recently?
Yes Langdown, you presence is required on the charlogy. I have missed you doing a 'langdown' on these discussions.
As to Charles' previous concluding question I think that generally we take ourselves far too seriously. It's good to counter that whether it be playing with tractors or top trumps, putting a packet of mentos into a bottle of diet coke, or playing board games.
Incidentally, I have done all of the above in the last few months, and more which is better left unsaid for now!
Surely the interests of most 7 to 15 year olds today are video games, iPods, text messaging, happy slapping, drugs, carrying knives, yelling abuse at teachers and/or police then suing them if they lay a finger on them, etc etc.
I don't think Top trumps will have a look in.
Okay, maybe I could revise that to 77 to 115 year olds?
Regardless of the modern habits of the unruly 7 to 15 year-olds amongst the modern generation, I hold firm to the belief that there are those who are like I was at their age, and still interested in healthy pursuits such as Top Trumps, Scrabble and Tiddlywinks...alright, I only started playing Tiddlywinks at university.
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