Charlogy Online

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Emperor Popeltine

And now to religious affairs. It is now one year since Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI. (I was disappointed - I was hoping he might revive the superb moniker Boniface - not a name that just anyone could carry off!) On the anniversary of his ascension, the BBC reported on his first year in office, noting how he was considered a 'Darth Vader' figure by some insiders at the time of his selection. Good old beeb, they also managed to dig out a photo which scarily backs this up - it seems that the years spent as Pope John Paul's padawan paid off well. Warning: you may experience some chest-tightening and breathing difficulties as you view this picture.

Pope Benedict finds your lack of faith... disturbing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crikey! Does this mean we can expect him to eventually dissolve the Vatican, massacre all Italian politicans and form a Catholic Empire?

"The regional governers now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line..."

Not that I'm anti-Catholic, but this statement of Grand Moff Tarkin's in Star Wars becomes disturbingly prescient in light of this revelation.

By the way Charles, I left a couple of anonymous comments, because I was in a hurry and couldn't be bothered to identify myself. See if you can guess which they were.

4:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find my lack of repost....disturbing!

9:15 pm  

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