Pirates in a Pickle
(From this week's Instant Noodles -- RTI's weekly wrap of amusing news from the Asia-Pacific region. Listen online now at english.rti.org.tw)

Pirate Chief: A-haaargh! Looks like we hit the jackpot, boys. Should be a hefty ransom this time.
Pirate 2: Wait a minute, I smell garlic. Does anyone else smell garlic?
(general agreement -- yes I smell garlic, definitely garlic etc.)
Pirate Chief: But there's no garlic in these waters... unless...
(Loud boat horn)
Korean ship (loadhailer): Surrender the ship! We have you surrounded!
Pirate Chief: Dammit! Always hijack downwind, what do I keep telling you? Rule number one! We should have smelled them coming...
Korean ship: I take it you are referring to our supplies of kimchi.
Pirate Chief: Oh, is that what that is?
Korean ship: Yes. It's our national delicacy. It's made of pickled vegetables.
Pirate Chief: Well I don't much care for it, I have to say!
Korean ship: We understand it is an acquired taste. Would you like to try some?
Pirate Chief: No thank you! If I want to acquire something I'll use my rocket launcher, right boys?
(general agreement -- Haha rocket launcher yes, that's how we acquire things! etc.)
Korean ship: Well perhaps we might not care for your local food either.
Pirate Chief: No, true, that's a fair point. Well, this has been an interesting cultural exchange. Time to saddle up, boys!
Pirate 2: What? But what about our ransom?
Pirate Chief: No deal. This ship's just carrying a consignment of sauerkraut anyway.
Pirate 2: Urgh!
(general agreement -- uuurgh! Sauerkraut! Yuck! etc.)
Pirate Chief: We're out of here. Bye bye, Korean navy!
Korean ship: Wait! Just try a little bit! You might like it!
(To listen to this week's Instant Noodles online, go to http://english.rti.org.tw and click on media player icon next to Thursday in the top left of the page. When media player starts move playback bar to approx. 25 minutes in.)
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