Poop Poop! It's Mr Toad's New Motor-Carp!
Taken from this week's Instant Noodles -- hear it online from Thursday at english.rti.org.tw

(Down on the river, Mr Mole and Mr Rat are enjoying a fine day out.)
Mole: Oh Ratty, I do so enjoy our days on the river.
Rat: As do I, Mole. What could be finer than messing about in a boat!
Mole: I suppose you've heard about Mr Toad?
Rat: Oh no. What has he done now?
Mole: The word is, last week Mr Toad went up to town and ordered a very large and expensive motor car.
Rat: That incorrigible fellow! No good will come of it, mark my words!
(Music: Beach Boys -- I Get Around as Toad approaches riding on a fish.)
Mole: I say, Ratty! What on earth is that?
Toad: Poop poop! Forwards! Aha! Oops!
Rat: Why, it's Mr Toad!
Mole: He's coming up awfully fast…
Toad: Poop poop! Wahey!
Rat: Hold on tight, Moley!
Toad: Woah! Easy!
Rat: Toad! What are you playing at?
Toad: Ratty! Moley! Ha ha!
Rat: You nearly capsized us, you ass! Are you alright, Moley?
Mole: I'm alright…
Toad: He's alright! Poop poop!
Mole: What is that?
Toad: My new transport! Why, the only way to travel!
Rat: It looks like a fish.
Toad: It is a fish!
Mole: But we heard you were getting a motor-car?
Toad: You heard wrong. This is my new motor-carp!
Rat: Motor-carp? There's no such thing.
Toad: Course there is! You're looking at one.
Mole: But that's a Koi!
Toad: A Koy-ota! It's Japanese, you know.
Mole: Ratty, it doesn't look happy…
Rat: Toad, why is your carp-
Toad: Motor-carp!
Rat: Why is your motor-carp thrashing around so?
Toad: Oh! Well, I haven't quite got the hang of the clutch yet… But this is the life, fellows! The open pond!
Ratty: Stop this foolishness! Let that poor fish go at once.
Toad: Shan't.
Ratty: Let it go, I say!
Toad: Shan't shan't shan't shan't shan't! I won’t do it, I tell you! You can't make me! Away, Koy-ota! Poop poop!
Mole: Oh, that conceited ass!
Rat: This will end in tears, mark my words!
(Some time later. Mole and Ratty return to the scene. We hear the sound of sobbing.)
Mole: I say Ratty, who's that over there by the bank?
Rat: It's Toad! I say, Toad!
Toad: Oh Ratty! Oh Moley! (sobs)
Mole: Toad! What happened to your motor-carp?
Toad: Gone! My poor Koy-ota. Gone!
Rat: Gone… you mean, dead?
Toad: Yes…. (sobs)
Mole: But what happened?
Toad: She tried to shake me off. But I held on. For three days!
Rat: Fish get hungry, Toad. You have to feed them!
Toad: I know that! So I went and filled her up.
Rat: Filled her up? With what?
Toad: With premium.
Mole: Premium what? Toad?
Toad: Premium unleaded!
Rat: Oh Toad, you perfect ass! Fish can't live on petrol!
Toad: I know that now! But it's too late! Oh, my Koy-ota! Howl!
Mole: They'll put you in jail for this, Toad.
Toad: (sadly) Poop poop.
Rat: Silly ass.
To listen to this week's Instant Noodles online, go to http://english.rti.org.tw and click on a media player icon next to Thursday in the top left of the page. Move playback bar to approx. 25 minutes in.
Labels: Instant Noodles